One Wolrder's Update 2022
Hello One Worlders
from The You Equals Me® Foundation
Thank you, family, & friends, from around the world for your interest in You = Me® & Our One Worlder’s Group.
The You Equals Me Foundation is an organization that exist to influence public opinion on issues of equality, civil rights, or social action.
Recently we had the opportunity to speak to Sergiy Kovalenkov in Ukraine. Sergiy is a civil engineer, lecturer, international speaker, and founder of Hempire, a manufacturing process where he combines hemp with concrete to build sustainable homes for a fraction of the cost of traditional concrete.
For over 10 years he has been advocating for "green" sustainable construction and hemp building materials across the world. In 2015 Sergiy founded Hempire - company that specializes in development and production of hemp building materials. Many houses have been built using Hempire materials. Sergiy has won numerous awards in sustainability and green tech industry, and now being represented in EU and USA. Sergiy is one of the founders of US Hemp Building Association and the only European occupying the position on Board of Directors of the Association. Sergiy is very well connected in the hemp industry and is helping to connect farmers, investors, processors, stakeholders. This was Sergiys life before Russia decimated Ukraine. Now he is building refugee homes for his fellow Ukrainians who have lost everything but hope.
Please donate today to assist Sergiy in building shelter for his fellow Ukrainians….