Don't Give Up

by Cindy Jarvis

For most of my life my deepest passion has been focused around the field of the “self” and the “self” that undeniably exists in all of us. Learning opens doors to more learning and eventually lead me to my spiritual path.

I was a five year student of A Course in Miracles at the time when my wedding invitation arrived in the mail. I knew immediately what You = Me® represented. A oneness that was inseparable from source and each other.

Growing up a Roman Catholic with family members serving in the clergy I knew that there was a source greater than I and I also knew that “there are many paths to seek that lead up the mountain, yet they take you to the same summit.”


We are excited to share the teachings of You = Me™ whatever path you are on with the idea we are all deserving of honor and love regardless what country were born in, the color of our skin, creed or sexuality. The message of You = Me is we all belong here to live our authentic lives. Don’t give up on each other......


Cindy Jarvis